A database to make information on stained glass accessible to all


The creation of a database dedicated to the cathedral’s stained-glass windows has profoundly changed the way we can promote this marvel of French heritage internationally.

With the commitment of the first donors, the technical aspect of this stage is now complete. The scientific committee has begun work on integrating all the information.


Présentation de la base de données

Multiple possibilities

A committee of experts for reliable information

Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresJEAN-PAUL DEREMBLE

A philosopher with a doctorate in comparative literature and a doctorate in theology from the Institut Catholique de Paris, he is an honorary lecturer at the University of Lille III. He specializes in medieval iconography and has written numerous books and articles, notably on Chartres Cathedral, as well as on the interpretation of medieval images. Chairman of the C.I.V. Scientific Committee.

Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresROBERT BORK

Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of Iowa, USA. A specialist in the study of Gothic architecture, he has taught various courses on medieval art and the art of the Northern Renaissance, and has received a Collegiate Teaching Award. His research focuses on the geometric analysis of laser scan data from the cathedrals of Reims, Metz and Notre-Dame de Paris. Member of the C.I.V. scientific committee.

Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresMATHIEU LOURS

Lecturer at the University of Cergy, teacher of E.N.S. arts preparatory classes, Lycée Janson de Sailly, Paris. Mathieu Lours takes part in public debates on French heritage, religious heritage and knowledge of the latter. He is also involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Member of the C.I.V. Scientific Committee.

Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresMGR BOUSQUET

Honorary Rector of Saint-Louis-des-Français in Rome, former Vice-Rector for Research at the Institut Catholique de Paris, member of the Pontifical Council for Culture. Member of the C.I.V. Scientific Committee.


Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresELLEN SHORTELL

Professor Emeritus of Art History at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, USA. Specialist in the study of Gothic architecture and early stained glass, Vice-President of the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum. Her research postulates that stained glass is an integral part of Gothic architecture.


Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresARNAUD TIMBERT

University Professor, Dean of the UFR Arts, Université de Picardie. Member of the C.I.V. Scientific Committee.



Vue du cœur de la cathédrale de ChartresJEAN-FRANÇOIS LAGIER

He holds a doctorate from the Sorbonne and is director of the C.I.V. He has exhibited stained glass from all over the world at Chartres, making the Center an international reference for the encounter and expression of today’s artists of glass and stained glass in architecture. He is the author of numerous reference works. A founding member and president of the “Chartres, sanctuaire du Monde” association, he is involved in large-scale projects to promote and sponsor the preservation and development of Chartres Cathedral.

Database contents

The database will comprise the cathedral’s 176 stained-glass windows, including 10,000 medallions and around 20,000 details.

Initially, the database will be available in three languages: French, English and German.

1 – For each of the 176 windows

  • High-definition photograph
  • Presentation sheet
  • Material description
  • Details of state of preservation
  • Restoration dates
  • Legal status of protection
  • Summary of stained glass subject
  • An expert’s note on the stained-glass window as a whole
  • Creation of tags
  • Creation of points of interest on stained glass elements

2 – For each medallion in each stained-glass window

  • High-definition photograph
  • Presentation sheet
  • Details of state of preservation
  • Restoration dates
  • A summary of the panel’s subject
  • An expert note on the medallion.
  • Assignment of tags

3 – For each point of interest on stained glass elements

  • High-definition photograph
  • Presentation sheet
  • Details of state of preservation
  • Restoration dates
  • Summary of the panel’s subject
  • An expert note on the detail.
  • Tag assignment

4 – Create chapters to group medallions and details.

Allows you to group medallions and details by theme, specificity…


A project supported by American Friends of Chartres